Monday, July 27, 2009

Question about Juvenile Probation Officers?


New Employee Training • Answer the following questions about a new employee training program for the position you selected for your final project:

1. Needs assessment: What types of issues might indicate a need for training? From what sources would these issues be identified? If you were a training manager, how would you prioritize training needs from these sources?

a. A supervisor requests training on the specialized technology required by five of his employees.

b. The customer service manager reports a sudden increase in calls about poor handling of repeat complaint calls.

c. The CEO requests team efficiency training to address the declining numbers of employees attending quarterly pep rallies.

2. Delivery: Identify the best method to conduct this training. Is a certification exam

required? Will the training be instructor-led, self-paced, or a combination? Explain

your answer.

Question about Juvenile Probation Officers?
How about if you sit down and start doing your homework project yourself! That is the ONLY Way the questions are going to be answered in time ...
Reply:I know you.
Reply:Issues where Juveniles are continuing to fare badly both inside DJJ and after they are handled by DJJ, would tend to show that the officer in charge needs some upgrading in how to handle certain situations.
Reply:How old r you? the pic is cute but I can't see to well.

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