Monday, July 27, 2009

Please help me! I don't know what to do.?

I am a RN with an Associates Degree and 6 years of experience. Even before nursing school, I wanted to become a paralegal or work in some sort of law setting. I chose nursing because I thought I would enjoy helping people live fuller happier lives. haha. Nursing is nothing like I thought it would be, alas, my career change. Legal work is intriguing to me b/c I LOVE to research and I enjoy writing. But I am an excellent researcher. Another thing that is appealing is the the flexible hours, no mandated holidays, no night shift, no weekends (unless necessary), and regular office hours with the exception of some overtime. Aside from all of that, I look forward to being able to take a lunck break, drink water, go to the bathroom, and wear normal clothes. I never do any of this as a RN.

My university doesn't offer an actual paralegal program. They do, however, have a BA program in Legal study, and after I complete this program, I will be eligible to take the paralegal certification test.

Please help me! I don't know what to do.?
Besides being a paralegal with the BA in legal studies, I'm not sure what else you could do.

You could work for government - city, county, state, federal - but it really wouldn't matter what your degree is in. I know someone who is a legislative assistant to a member of the Board of Supervisors for a local public agency and she started out as a receptionist (no degree). To get a good government job, it's who you know, not what you know.

You can probably get an office job in Human Resources with the BA is LS. You can also be a police officer, work in code enforcement, animal control...
Reply:As long as the program is ABA approved it's a good program. If it is not ABA approved I suggest you stay away from. I received my undergrad degrees in communications and legal/political studies. As Scott K suggested fields you may pursue I personally wounded up in Human Resources (which I hate) and presently in law school. Do not fool yourself to think pursuing a legal career you will not be working weekends and late nights. My last position as an Exec HR Director I was also responsible for the company operations and worked 24/7. In the end my son who is now 4 years old was actually calling me by my first name and calling my mother mom.
Reply:I would assume that the legal studies program is offered as a pre-law degree. Other than preparation for the LSAT and law school, I doubt that the program has any particular relevance to any other jobs. I think you could take the paralegal exam without any course work at all.

Lots of jobs interact with various aspects of the legal system, accounting would probably entail the most connected profession (taxes, auditing, contracts, etc.) Human

Resources, history, poli sci, criminal science, etc., would also seem to be pretty interrelated.

I read your question and decided to spend the time necessary to respond to you. My time is very valuable to me.

I am an intuitive person and can pick a people person when I I come across one. I am looking for people who are people oriented . Your question demonstrates that you are. You also say that you are good at research. That captured my attention. You said you liked the idea of having flexible hours.

Have you ever thought what it would be like to wake in the morning, turn your computer on and see that while you were asleep, you had earned another thousand dollars for doing absolutely nothing? I am seeking a particular "TYPE" of person and I think your question details indicates that you "MAY" be the kind of individual who I'm looking for.

I have a career opportunity available. If you think you are READY to take control over your life , your finances, your work hours, your happiness and you would like to gain an insight into HOW all this could TRANSFORM your life for the better...........simply click the link below and I will show you

the secret to happiness and fulfillment .

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