Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Going camping this weekend!!~.......?

Ok, so my boyfriend and I are going camping this weekend. We are going alone to have a fun, yet peaceful weekend. I need ideas of stuff to do. What should we take with us?

We are going to Shawnee State Park in Ohio, there is stuff to do, but I'm afraid b/c it is Mem Day Weekend that it is going to be Crazzzzy packed by all the attractions and not peaceful.

We have been together for 5 years, and he JUST finished his firefighter certification so it is a fun weekend getaway!

Ideas please..... and please be appropriate....!~

Going camping this weekend!!~.......?
Sounds fun! My husband and I long ago (when we were first dating went on several fun camping trips together and then many more years after wards) Some of the fun things we did together were hiking up creeks, you can rest in the water, toss rocks in, search for pretty rocks and silly, simple things like this.. OK it does sound silly but it was very relaxing and the one on one time doing something that simple brought us closer and gave us quality one on one time! We also hiked to high secluded areas that we could sit at and see below us, watch clouds and talk about silly things.. We gathered campfire wood, played tag on the trails and hide and seek.. hiding in the blankets in the tent when it was dark and listening to the night sounds, trying to figure out what the sounds were and making up scary stories to tell each other about (camping trips, zombies, wild animals etc.) Lots of very simple and silly things for just two! The kinds of silly things you did at slumber parties when you were a teenager is the best things to do with your partner when it is just you two.. Worked for us and we can look back on how silly it was, and we still laugh at those things.. Good luck and have fun!
Reply:I don't care how rough the terrain is take the mountain bikes with you if you have them if not buy them take a nice quite ride together it will keep you both in shape and get you away from every one else. don't forget to bring along bug candles we used to live in Bucyrus Ohio now in Florida bugs are every where. keeps the quite time around the fire more comfortable. if power is available a fan work wonders at a camp site. luck
Reply:Packing list: Swimsuit, cover up, sandals, rafts/ innertubes, sunsreen, aloe vera gel for sunburn, aspirin, bug spray, cortizone creme incase of insect bites or poison ivy, bandaids, folding lawn chairs, sleeping bag, tent, flashlights, batteries, comfy clothes, shorts and tshirts, digital camera, cell phone, map, journal to write down funny / interesting things you want to remember, deck of cards, other game / sports balls, ipod or cd player and cd's, gym shoes or shoes for hiking, ball cap, sunglasses, first aid kit, bottled water, cooler with food for sandwiches, and soda's, matches, hot dogs, marshmallows, coat hangers (for toasting hotdogs and marshmallows, fanny pack and or backpack to pack just a few things for a nice hike / picnic, have fun!
Reply:Try Ohio Power near Nelsonville. You have a better chance of being alone maybe. All Ohio parks are going to be packed to the hilt. Too bad you don't know anyone with a farm out in the country. I would rather hear cow farts than junior playing his Ipod full blast. Go on a weekday to get away from the crowds. Check out Ohio Power on the AEP website, its neat!

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