Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Im about to go back to college for computer certifications. Which program should I start first?

I wanted to start from the ground up so I need to start the intro to it all. I heard about getting my a+, C+, networing and all that but I need to know the intro course. Im currently attending a community college if that makes any difference probably not. Thanx !

Im about to go back to college for computer certifications. Which program should I start first?
Computer Certifications I believe are not offered through Universities. This is just where you get your BA. These certifications are extra and cost extra dollars. You need to find a local area that offers the courses your looking for to get your A+, MCSE, Or Programming certifications.

Just a heads up is a lot of current companies look for BA, Certifications, and also want some real job expierence.

Programming Job Question?

I'm in school working on a BS in applied math and BS physics, but I'm looking to get a programming job while still in school. I'm good with C++ and Java, but I'm looking for a direction to go next to help land a job. I've had a good deal of university programming coursework and I enjoy doing it. From looking around it seems that web programming is more of an entrance as opposed to full-blown software engineering, stressing things like XML, J2EE, and Servlets (please correct me if I'm wrong). Right now I'm learning SQL and integrating it into OOP code. I'm using Dice.com, but many of the positions are posted by staffing agencies as opposed to tech companies, and it's hard to establish a dialogue with them. Are there any kinds of positions or organizations I should look out for? Would official certifications help? Most importantly, what should I concentrate on learning next that I can fairly easily learn on my own?

Programming Job Question?
It seems your headed in the right direction!

J2EE and Java are in..and learning a backend database would help as well.

You can get a job if your good in your fundamentals .

You can get a really good job if you had done certification such as SCJB(something like that for java guys,am into .net)
Reply:MCAD cert helped me greatly both for interviews and for actual knowedge base. I would not however recomended that process for experienced developers.

SQL is critical to know regardless of which programming platform you want to work with. So its good you are doing that.

Other then that its basically .Net vs not-.Net. The reason I say that is becuase in my view its too much to be both and .Net is a hard-core as you want it to be.

Which universe to choose is hard for some, for me it was easy... .Net
Reply:You might try expanding a bit by learning some C#.Net, since you seem to already have a good handle on C++ and are learning SQL. Web applications may not be your end goal, but it will broaden your marketability, I think.

Can I fit in IT field if i shift to as I got complex experience of 14 years?

I am BE ,Pune university Advanced diploma in computers , working since 5 years in PSU telecom ISP , was worked with Steel company for 4 years , also 3 years in QA organisation .....got knowledge of Oracle,unix, OS, foxpro , C ,MS access WAN/LAN networking ........all telecom networks / softwares maintenance , marketing , PLCs Process control maintenance , ISO , Purchase , Quality control .....what I can do to switch over to IT carreer .........and at what stage or grade IT company will take me in ...or i should do any professional certifications and then go for IT ..............I am confused , please

Can I fit in IT field if i shift to as I got complex experience of 14 years?

I am an Hr executive, myself - I will try my level best to help you out.

You have worked in telecom domain for 5 years; 3 years in Quality Assurance. These things are the positive aspects of your qualification. More than that your knowledge on languages, networking are also advantages for you.

As far as negative effects are concerned, you have been moving around various domains which is a negative point.

Ok, I will recommend you to

first, do some professional certifications like

a.) Testing - because you are a experienced QA or

b.) Networking certifications like CCNA, MCSE etc; or

c.) Some certifications on Embedded technologies.

I personally feel these are the fields that will suit you, better.

As far as grade or level is concerned I think if you get a good opening you might posted in level 3 or grade 3, which will be like Teamlead or Project lead etc;

Please don't leave the current job; do some learning and complete certifications by choosing any one field then start searching for a good job in IT industry. I feel it will work well.

All the best!
Reply:You need to ask this on the computers board not the health board and you will get the responses you want.
Reply:Man, I think that you missed a category!

community survey

In need of a special project at work - any ideas?

I am a licensed insurance agent (life and P%26amp;C), working at a very small insurance company in California, and I am making $10/per hour, roughly less than half of the average pay for someone of my certifications in my area. I recently read an article stating that a good way to get a raise is to lead a special project that really shows results. The thing is, while I would be more than willing to lead such a project, I am more than a little discouraged by the fact that I can't actually think of such a project. Even if I lead a project, it will be the person who brings the IDEA of the project up, that gets a raise.

I want that person to be me.

Any ideas on a special project that can help increase business in our agency?

In need of a special project at work - any ideas?
I have a similar question that maybe you can give some light.

I want to be rich, first part is done, now I just need to know how...?
Reply:Since you sell life insurance, head up a health fair. Have all kinds of vendors come, they always give out freebies..have someone doing a blood pressure screening, or any other screenings that can be done on site. Research online on what kinds of activities to include in a health fair.

Or a safety fair, with the same types of things only related to safety...defensive driving, first aid advice, preventing injuries...
Reply:no im really not sure maybe you could talk with a co worker and come up with an idea togehter

Is it possible to get a job in US with out graduation...Can anyone please help me out with this doubt..plz plz


I am an Indian guy whoz working in Europe as SAP Security Consultant. And I have 4 Years of IT Exp. Due to certain reasons I c'dnt finish my graduation but I studied all 16 years in college. As the company I am working for and the country I am in doesnt need the graduation to do this job I am here. I have CISSP and I am a SAP Certified Security Consultant for Netweaver. And I have MCSE, CCNA and CWNA. but no graduation (I mean to say degree). In my country its almost next to impossible to get the job without graduation, even if I have those many valuble certifications. Can any one please let me know, that can I get a job in US and wouldnt be a problem for visa (H1). or is getting a job in US is as difficult as in India without graduation.

In my opinion, as SAP Security people has got very demand in US, I may get a job..but not sure of it...Please help me in building my career further. Thanks a lot in advance.

Is it possible to get a job in US with out graduation...Can anyone please help me out with this doubt..plz plz
Tusi kyun itna tension le rahe ho, papaji

I have not even gone to college but still i handle big big servers in major corporate companies and all that kinda stuffs, phir bhi aapke paas itna certificates to hain naa, sab thikh ho jaayega, tusi kyun phikar karda, wahe guru hamesha thoda saath hain aur rahenge
Reply:Would you like fries with your awnser???
Reply:You should contact a head hunter.

They can answer your question and find you a job offer.

You have work experiance so the degree may not be as important.





Reply:Lie. If you can do the job, have the experience, and can get good references, they will never check. If your credentials come into question (say, you really screw up) then they will check. Lying on your resume is a reason for firing, but not for hiring.
Reply:Yes you can get a job. Though it may not be the same one. Alot of places wont even look at somone with experience if they dont have that peice of paper. Its amazing how much a piece of paper that means so little can be worth so much.
Reply:you will not get the same exact job you have with no degree...you can get a job without a diploma, however you will probably have to work harder to move up in the company, alot of large firms require that you have a degree or a diploma to work for them, so it would be essential for you to get one. good luck!
Reply:I have no idea .sorry

I am an Indian guy whoz working in Europe as SAP Security Consultant. And I have 4 Years of IT Exp. Due to cer

I am an Indian guy whoz working in Europe as SAP Security Consultant. And I have 4 Years of IT Exp. Due to certain reasons I c'dnt finish my graduation but I studied all 16 years in college. As the company I am working for and the country I am in doesnt need the graduation to do this job I am here. I have CISSP and I am a SAP Certified Security Consultant for Netweaver. And I have MCSE, CCNA and CWNA. but no graduation (I mean to say degree). In my country its almost next to impossible to get the job without graduation, even if I have those many valuble certifications. Can any one please let me know, that can I get a job in US and wouldnt be a problem for visa (H1). or is getting a job in US is as difficult as in India without graduation.

In my opinion, as SAP Security people has got very demand in US, I may get a job..but not sure of it...Please help me in building my career further. Thanks a lot in advance.

I am an Indian guy whoz working in Europe as SAP Security Consultant. And I have 4 Years of IT Exp. Due to cer
Tusi kyun itna tension le rahe ho, papaji

I have not even gone to college but still i handle big big servers in major corporate companies and all that kinda stuffs, phir bhi aapke paas itna certificates to hain naa, sab thikh ho jaayega, tusi kyun phikar karda, wahe guru hamesha thoda saath hain aur rahenge
Reply:You should stay in Europe and keep on the good work. When you are more experienced you do not need any graduation or certificates.
Reply:It depends on the company, but there is no standard. You can get a job without a degree usually, since it is your experience as well that is looked at. But again, from company to company it will vary what they want.
Reply:Stop whinging and get of ya @ss and find your own job

I want to learn how to design websites???

I'm wanting to learn how to create professional websites? I used to create basic ones as a kid, so i'm alittle familier with html but thats about it. I'm wondering, whats the best way to learn how to create professional business sites? Are there certifications at local colleges I should go to or any online certificates or classes I could do? Are there books out there that teach you? What do you need to know these days, like cgi, java, c++ etc?? Also, I'd like to know what programs people use these days, like frontpage, adobe etc%26gt;?? I don't know where to go to learn this. Any information would be great. Also, any details from people designing sites, like if they stay busy, make good money e tc? I really like computers and designing things so I think I would really enjoy this. Any information would be great. Thanks and happy holidays everyone.

I want to learn how to design websites???
designing websites is soo fun! I took a class in school a few months ago. once you get the hang of it, it is really easy, and goes really fast.
Reply:With the way that the web and programming have evolved, I think there are multiple answers to this. I think you should consider which aspect of creating websites interests you the most.

If it's the aesthetic (visual) design, then I would focus on a graphic arts type of degree. You can probably find one that focuses on web technology. There are a lot of graphic design tools being used out there that take some experience to operate.

There is another side to this, which is the programming that websites implement. If that interests you, I would get a computer science (programming) degree of some sort. These technologies are getting very sophisticated/complicated and require study to be any good at them. (C#, ASP, Java, php, plus a ton of other high level tools like WebMethods)

The final answer would is to be a self-taught, free-lancing, jack of all trades type that can do a little of everything. In this case...read books. Read as many as you can.
Reply:If you would like to learn how to design websites, I'd suggest that you read some books on the type of programming that you'd be interested in doing.

Also, there are some resources online that you may like to check out by searching for whatever language that you're trying to learn.

Another thing that you may want to try would be using FrontPage and other programs that are similar and allow you to design websites.

Good luck and i hope I helped you!
Reply:I love it too! I bought an Apple mac book with !web installed on it.They have video tuturiols on web design. I am still working on my own web site.After I get mine completed I plan to bulid web sites for friends or other small business'.
Reply:Hello Friend,

Find out what you like first or you will end up wasting a lot of your precious time. I feel you...because most go through life working to pay the bills...but they put their passion on hold for the rest of their life because 1. They don't know what they want...and 2. They don't know how to get paid to do what their heart desires.

I hope this helps...by the way... you may not want to work for

Cingular...that cell phone market is saturated...

E-mail me and I can show you something that if you act quick...you may be the best at it.

-P. Huynh

Hope this helps!
Reply:Dreamweaver, Flash, along with photoshop and imageready.

ex: http://mmendo.com

Theres also CMS like from phpcow.com or Joomla. Search for those for more info.

ex: http://myuniversalsports.com

There are many ways to built a site it just depends on what you want to present. Hope that helps.


order flowers

Medical School Information?

Would it be good to have these certifications listed on your application while applying to medical school? Would it give you an edge or will it just look good on paper?

CPR Level C Certified

MAB Certified

BCLS Certified

ACLS Certified

AED Certified

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Medical School Information?
There is no reason not to list your certifications those are things you are proud of and that you have accomplished. However in terms of an advantage I am not sure that they will provide you one. I am sure there is a great story behind why you have the certifications and that may provide you with an advantage. I guarantee not many applicants are going have any of those certifications.

There is however a downside. During your interview someone might ask you about these certifications and question your devotion to becoming a doctor. The short sweet answer is that you explored other options and you feel you can best serve your community as a physician.

I hope this is helpful! Good Luck!
Reply:I dont think that the certificates will give you an edge. But, whatever you did previously that required you to obtain these (eg, RN, EMT...) probably will
Reply:That'll give you a slight edge in the admissions process. Could be quite useful down the road when you actually practice medicine though, depending on your specialty.

I am just started learning in the IT Field, and looking for advice?

I am interested in Web Design, and Software/ Programming, I have now a first book on C, I am looking for people to help me in a direction that would lead, to a job where I can do programming. I am seeking advice on what kind of additional books and certifications to study %26amp; focus on.

( Ex. Javascript and brief "explaination why." )

Thank You,


I am just started learning in the IT Field, and looking for advice?
If you are interested in web design and development, you need to learn:

- HTML, XHTML and CSS (http://www.amazon.com/Beginning-Programm... )

- JavaScript (http://www.amazon.com/Beginning-JavaScri... )

- At least one server-side language, such as PHP (http://www.amazon.com/PHP5-MySQL-Bible-T... ) or ASP.NET (http://www.amazon.com/Beginning-ASP-NET-... ). If you want to work in enterprise (that is, very large companies) then learn ASP.NET - it has a 60-70% market share for large corporate web development environments. If you are looking to do smaller or mid-sized companies, web startups or your own freelance work, you could go with any of them, but many people would probably recommend PHP. Personally I don't like it much at all, I prefer ASP.NET, but it's mainly a personal preference. They both do the same thing.

- Graphic design (http://www.amazon.com/Elements-Graphic-D... ), interactive design (http://www.amazon.com/Principles-Interac... ) and usability design (http://www.amazon.com/Dont-Make-Me-Think... ; http://www.amazon.com/Designing-Web-Usab... ) .

As to the why - I have been doing web design and development for more than a decade. I've worked on websites for BMW, Michelin, Lockheed, GE, Wachovia, Volvo, to name a few of the more recognized brands. All of the books I mentioned are in my library and they say what I would say about the subjects.

And finally, don't pay any attention to the jerk who knocks all Microsoft certifications. There are definitely some easy ones to get, but you'll know which ones are which when you look at them, and employers know too, so it's easy to tell who knows what by which MCxx they have and how much they show it off. The upper tiers of Microsoft Certification are very rigorous and difficult - I know many very experienced and talented web and software architects who are well-respected who found the certifications very challenging.
Reply:Yes, you may contact me any time if you have any questions or anything, I'll be glad to help. Just send me a message through my profile page. Report It

Reply:I want to give you some advice :D

If you are interested in Web Design, first, you have to know PHP and HTML. I think it is basic language Web design.

and as someone mentioned, you have to learn ASP.NET.

most company which is related to WEB use ASP.NET.

Actually, I don't recommend web language.

In korea, It doesn't bring you lots of money. I mean it is easy and everybody can use web langauge.

I'm sorry that I didn't mean that web langauge is easy.

Just I can't express my opinion in English comfortably. :D

anyway I recommend software programming.

you should start with C. and next C++, JAVA or C#.

I think that C is basic language in software programing.

If you master C, you can easily learned C++, JAVA and C#.

If you want to have better ability, I recommend unix C.

I'm just student.

Maybe others in IT field will give you advice :D
Reply:You need experience, or a degree. You can start with open source projects, start your own projects (software, website) these usually need to be impressive for somebody to hire you (i.e Professional). Or go to school and get a 4 year degree. Otherwise your not going to get a job.

Have fun in school!!!
Reply:A good language to learn is Visual Basic. With this knowledge you can write VB Script, ASP code, Macros for MS word and Excel, and also programs in VB.

Stay away from the Microsoft Certifications..all of them. The reason is because the answers to the tests are widely available, so there are literally millions of Microsoft Certified Idiots, that dont know anything. I recommend:

Security Certifications such as Certified Ethical Hacker

Linux Certifications because open source is gaining market share, especially on the server side.

Software Training & Courses?

This is my first year for BSC.IT, from (Karrox Technologies, Mumbai) affiliated from Sikkim Manipal University, 1st semester course content i.e. Data Structure Using C, SQL Server Concept %26amp; DBMS, VB, Linux etc. But I want to boost my talent with some other courses in Software Industry.

Could any one suggest me, Should I go for Java certifications i.e SCJA, SCJP or DBA Oracle, MCPD, MCAD %26amp; MCDBA etc.

Thank in advance

Software Training %26amp; Courses?
It depends on what you wish to specialize in. If you are going to be a database expert, I would suggest both Oracle and MCDBA as they seem to be the two largest commercial software packages that are being outsourced.

If you wish to be an application developer, then Courses in Java or .NET would be advisable. You should understand, most companies usually choose a major development platform, and currently the two big camps are either Microsoft with .NET or IBM/Sun with Java.

I wouldn't try to learn them all together but would choose to specialize. Choose either the Microsoft world or the Oracle/Sun world for now.

I would also recommend you look into the current job opportunities in major cities where you live. I would try to learn skills that would help you find a good job in those cities. Hope this helps.

What Should I Do?

So... I am a software developer for a company. I'm 18 and I know I'm young, but I am expected to understand and program in C#, VB, stored procedures, HTML, Javascript, CSS, ASP.NET 1.1 and 2.0. I have gone through community college and know how to do everything I'm asked to do, including some certifications. But I believe I'm being taken advantage of (meaning under-paid) because of my age. I talked to a new employee who recently left for a better job. He's a great guy and a good friend of mine, but he doesn't know C# very well. I recently found out that after 6 months of working there, I discovered that the new people are getting paid twice as much as I am. I worked full time all summer and now I'm working part time until next summer. What should I do? Ask for a raise? Wait things out? I don't know...

What Should I Do?
Axiom #1 - Companies don't have hearts, they have balance sheets.

Rule #1 - People should always do what's best for them, not for the company.

Sounds like you should ask for a raise. But you need to have your ducks in a row. You need hard evidence of your superior strengths. Hopefully you lead projects while your friend doesn't, or something like that. Then you need to stick by your convictions.

But never threaten to quit. That rarely works. If they deny you, then look for another job, get an offer, then let them know.

Good luck!
Reply:I've known a few people in a couple of situations that are similar to yours:

(1) Engineer + chemist both get hired to do same exact process line manufacturing work. Chemist is paid ~20% less because "they don't have an engineering degree" and it is the same job. She spoke up and the result was that she got her pay raised to that of the engineers because they were doing the SAME JOB.

(2) Banking - new people being brought in at higher salaries than people who have been there longer because raises were crappy. Result: They left and found another job for more money. Bank wanted to keep them, but policies didn't let them match the salary of competing organization.

There's a bit of risk here. It doesn't hurt to ask, especially if your boss is a cool guy or gal. You may get the "there's nothing we can do" story, but maybe there is.

Also, you can threaten to leave, but never threaten unless you intend to carry out. Also, never threaten if you are unsure you can get another job at same salary.

Those are my 2 cents....good luck!
Reply:Where do you live? Maybe I will hire you. :)

If you don't like your job, put together a resume and start looking elsewhere.

If you like your job and don't even want to look elsewhere, you should have a conversation with your boss or HR about your career path. "What can I do to make myself more valuable to the company?" "How could I improve?" "What would you do if you were me?"

Don't make accusations or threats, be calm and very polite. Never say anything negative about the company or other people. Just try to word everything as professionally as possible.

It sounds like you are still going to school - you are not going to make as much money until you have that piece of paper, no matter how good your skills are. People with more formal education will get paid more. Another thing to consider is that you are getting tons of experience that will make it insanely easy to get hired somewhere else after you graduate. And if your company allows you to work a flexible schedule, that is another thing to be positive about.

If you work the same hours and have the same education/experience as your coworkers that get paid more (and it doesn't sound like that is the case) my answer would be different.

Since graduating from school and getting two years experience, I make 75% more money now than I did doing almost the exact same job for the same company. (I do my job better because I have grown, but it's still basically the same.) I would say that is atypical, but it would not be uncommon to double your salary in your first two years of graduating. (I am a programmer also using a lot of the same technologies you listed.)

spring flowers

How do i get a deputy inspectors license in calif?

Im looking for a job as a deputy building inspector. I've been in construction for thirty years and have a C-10 Electrical Contractors license (inactive) but have been in the residential - commercial building and remoldeling business for the last six,.teen years. I would like to know if my experience in the trades will help to obtain icbo certifications. I would also like to if any City or Countys jobs for deputyII inspectors will train you while obtaining certifications. I live in the inland Empire.

How do i get a deputy inspectors license in calif?
Got this from Googling:


I want a career in computers, I have no exp., trying to get certs before I go for online degree. anythin else?

In the computer world I have no exp., but want to start right away. And I don't know what I really want to get into, Software Engineering or Network Management, so I'm studying all that I can. Also I'm broke, so I'm doing it all on free websites. My goal is to get knowledge enough to get certifications with A+, Network+, CCNA, then maybe MCSE, and then some knowledge of Java and C/C++. I already know HTML, and I've studied a lot of computer repair to know enough, I think though I'm still studying it. and I started with visual basic to get a little bit of range going instead of freezeing on one thing. Oh yeah, and the job market isn't that great where I'm at so getting an extra part time computer job is kinda hard around here. And I kinda have a wife and 2 kids so if I'm not at work, or studying, I'm with them, so I'm a little full. Any suggestions if I'm doing the right thing? What can I do better? Any Certs that might throw me a better direction.

I want a career in computers, I have no exp., trying to get certs before I go for online degree. anythin else?
I'm not sure how to answer your question. I'm a network admin/sys admin (I do both jobs) yet I have no certs. I can easily obtain them if my work paid for the tests, but I refuse to pay for them on my own. My advice is know as much as possible. Learn to search for the answers, because you will not know everything. Read a lot and as my old boss told me, "Live the life". Sounds stupid, but all this was a hobby to me. My degree is in Speech Pathology and Audiology. I learned it all from reading the Internet, some books, doing it myself (which is the best way to learn!), and asking myself questions.

I think you are starting out good. I live in a small rural area and it took me 3 years to find a job, the pay was horrible but the experience was awesome! I worked on EVERYTHING. It was a local ISP/repair business. I stayed there 3 years until I luckily got in with a growing company and they needed someone with my knowledge. It's embarrassing because no matter how much you know, there's someone who knows way more than you do. That's what I like about the vocation I have chosen, it's NEVER boring. There is always something new to learn!

I'd suggest if you are interested in networking to learn all you can about the Network + exam. Then go a step farther because you will have to configure Cisco or other managed routers/switches. Put an ad in the paper that you will repair computers in your home, that is how my old boss started and he ended up having his own business!

The one thing I can't stress enough is hands on practice. I can remember installing Red Hat 6 and thinking "forget this, I am never touching Linux again." At my last job I ended up doing a lot of the *nix stuff because I knew my way around it (and google too!). I'm not sure which is better though - being a jack of all trades, master of none (like I am) or being a master of 1 or 2 and forgetting about the rest.... I know I enjoy networking and systems administration for 1 business (rather than the 30 I was responsible for at my last job) a lot more than I enjoy doing the computer repair/diagnosing.

Good Luck! You can do it, it just takes time!
Reply:Please try http://www.womenbusinesstraining.com They have lots of information on Business Bachelors and Masters

We have to move?

My husband and I are looking into moving to O.C. California. We live in Michigan where the unemployment rate is 7.1 and we can not find jobs with health benefits. I need health benefits for my son that lives in O.C. California. Since my son lives there we thought we would just move there and be a much more active figure in my sons life. Most people have been negative about the move. I am a willing hard worker that is state board certified Nurses assistant. My husband is a Computer info Systems tech that is in the process of getting 3 certifications.

Is it as hard to find a job in California as it is in Michigan?

Is it hard to get jobs in another state before you move there?

I think this is the best option for my son, do you guys?

We have to move?
Absolutely, move. I don't know about the employment situation, but family should trump that.
Reply:The price of homes have dropped dramatically here in California which has created a buyers market. You would probably be better off to try and buy something, rather than rent, as rent prices are increasing.

With all the foreclosures, many people can only rent, so many landlords are asking top prices. It's sickening.

Nursing assistant jobs are easy to find. (My daughter is a nursing student %26amp; has already had job offers).

Has your husband considered Intel. They are the biggest high tech company in the Sacramento area and have other bases.

Web designers only please....?

How much do you actually earn a year? Do you freelance or do it for a company?

My skills are:

Illustrator, InDesign, Publisher, PageMaker, QuarkXpress, Photoshop, Director, Premiere, Flash, Access/sql, xml, vb.net, asp.net, C#, perl, Java, JSP, PHP, ColdFusion MX, html, and css

And have these certifications:

MS Office Specialist, Master CIW Designer, MCSE, MCSA, A+, CCNA, and Net+

How much could I realistically earn a year working for myself?

Web designers only please....?
0 to 50k + there are too many variables plus

everyone and thier brother thinks they are a webmaster.
Reply:I do ASP.NET web development and it's all done in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. I work for a company and I make $88,000/year.


trading cards

Accepted secretary position --how can i improve??

Accepted a secretary position at a hospital , right out of college. how much do you think it will pay? i think it is a level three position?

i got it mainly b/c of my degree. what classes could I take or what kind of certifications could i get to improve my my administrative skills. i thought about microsoft office specialist and i looked at some stuff on brainbench. Any other suggestions??

Accepted secretary position --how can i improve??
Does the hospital post jobs on their website? Some hospitals will list wage parameters for Admin Level I, Level II, Level III, etc. Also, let's say they call you for a phone screen, I would simply ask what the pay range is for the position. That way at least you have an idea of the wage before moving forward.

As for gaining more experience, there is nothing better than on the job training. Give yourself a chance to learn your new job and then decide what you need to improve for skills.
Reply:You accepted a position without knowing how much it will pay? That doesn't sound very wise. Talk to the HR staff at the hospital for detailed information on the salary structure. Hospitals are very "structured" when it comes to things like this.

How can you improve? First, concentrate on doing the job the best you can. Take every advantage put in front of you to learn more about your current position. Don't get ahead of yourself and think about moving up until you have mastered where you are at. After at least 6 month, more likely a year, talk with your supervisor about how you can improve. A good supervisor will want to help you to grow in your career.
Reply:You will need to know MS Office, Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook.

You will need to type fast.

Be able to answer multi line phone.

You might have to know payroll, accounts payable and receivable.

Know how to file correctly.
Reply:how in the world would we know what a level three postition might be?
Reply:This is from one website but I forget the name..

Secretary Skills

• Time management

• Assertiveness training

- How to say "no" without becoming intimidating or aggressive

- Dealing with conflict

- Negotiating solutions

• Communication skills

- Body language

- Positive thinking

- Listening skills

- Dealing with difficult people and difficult situations

• Organisational ability

• Working for more than one person

• Confidentiality

• Effective telephone behaviour

• Diary management

• How to project an image of self-confidence and professionalism

• Self development for the future

Based on these skills could I expect to be able to work from home?

I am proficent in :

Illustrator, InDesign, Publisher, PageMaker, QuarkXpress, Photoshop, Director, Premiere, Flash, Access/sql, xml, vb.net, asp.net, C#, perl, Java, JSP, PHP, ColdFusion MX

And have these certifications:

MS Office Specialist, Master CIW Designer, MCSE, MCSA, A+, CCNA, and Net+

What could I expect to earn, if anything, if I worked from home?

Based on these skills could I expect to be able to work from home?
My sister has works at home as a web designer, making very good money. I believe she is experienced in some of those programs. She makes 90K a year. She started by doing small jobs, programs, invitations, lettering and it just took off! Alot by word of mouth, she did some advertising but not much.

Good Luck!!
Reply:Here's some reasons most people cannot work from home as freelance consultants:

1. You can program, administer a network, and administer a database, but that doesn't mean you can sell yourself. Consulting companies have sales staff whose full time job is to market you to clients. They're good at it. It's what they do.

2. You're private individual, not a company, so you lack the same enterprise-level reputation that a company comes with. Potential clients will be leery of your ability to put enough resources into the project and to secure additional resources if needed.

3. Insurance. So, you install your code or network hardware or DB design and everything takes a crap (let's face it, it happens) and the company loses $25,000 in revenue before it's back up. They file suit. What happens then?

4. What happens when the clients want to take a look at your operation before signing up? Are you going to show them around your living room and home office?

5. Competition. There's someone in India with that exact same resume who will do it for $15/hour. Or some 13-year-old that will do it for a flat $100.

I'm not trying to discourage you, but just be aware of those things. The number one hurdle to overcome is being able to market and sell yourself and your skill set.

Reply:I don't know you need to know how to market your skills, to those that might utilize them.
Reply:Yes , you can work as a freelancer doing web design, web development. From http://www.pcworkathome.net
Reply:check out this site.


scroll down to the bottom and just click where it says retuning member and do the job search
Reply:Yeah web-design can earn u alot a site called globexdesigns my friend works at and they get alot of money in and its really good cos they have freedom of there own home.

If you wana earn cash pretty quick in spair time then try sites like: http://www.rippedwallet.com/pages/?refid...

Which version of SCJP Exam is recommended for me?

I am new to computer programming, have some practice on C and VB.

I am still in learning phase of Java. I wish to get myself SCJP certified i.e. Sun Certified Java Programmer. I am not sure which version of the exam should I go for. Currently there are 3 version SCJP 1.4, 5 and 6. Their details are available at http://www.sun.com/training/certificatio...

Which version of SCJP Exam is recommended for me?
many companies still using Java 1.5 so try to get that one. Notice that 1.6 is the latest version of Java.

NTSB Most wanted safety improvements. Is FAA too slow to implement NTSB's recommendations? Are pax at risk?

Washington, D.C. - The National Transportation Safety Board said today that the government should be doing

more to prevent accidents and enhance safety for the traveling public. The Board updated its list of Most

Wanted Safety Improvements, noting instances where federal agencies had given unacceptable responses to

NTSB recommendations or were moving too slowly to implement recommended safety measures.

Two items were removed from the list, one because action on it is almost completed, and the other because the

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) refused to adopt the recommended safety enhancement.

Established in 1990, the Most Wanted list is a way for the NTSB to focus attention on needed safety

improvements in all modes of transportation. The list highlights recommendations that the Board believes

would significantly reduce deaths and injuries.

"Our recommendations are derived from the hard lessons we have learned over the years investigating many

tragic accidents," said NTSB Chairman Ellen Engleman Conners. "Quite simply, implementing these measures

will save lives."


In aviation, the Board reviewed the status of recommendations in six issue areas --

Runway incursions - The Board's recommendation calls for a system that ensures safe movement of airplanes

on the ground and provides warnings of probable collisions/incursions directly to flight crews in the cockpit. To

illustrate the potential dangers of a runway incursion, the Board viewed a simulation, prepared by NTSB staff,

of a near-collision at Los Angeles last August involving two large airliners, a B- 747 and a B-737. This incident

was not reported by air traffic control officials as an operational error. "The fact that such incidents are not

being reported casts doubt on the FAA's claims that the runway incursion rate is declining," Chairman

Engleman Conners said. "The FAA needs to review its reporting process." Status: The Board changed the

classification of the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) response to this recommendation from "Open-

Acceptable Response" to "Open-Unacceptable Response."

Fuel/Air Vapors in Fuel Tanks - Recommendations call for interim measures to reduce flammable fuel/air

vapors in fuel tanks and, longer term, airplane design changes to eliminate the generation of such vapors. Status:

Due to the lack of FAA initiatives on interim measures, the Board decided to reclassify the short-term

recommendation from "Open- Acceptable Response" to "Open-Unacceptable Response." On the longer-term

recommendation, the Board found the FAA's response acceptable. The Board is anticipating that the FAA will

begin the regulatory process to require a flammability reduction system in the near future. Overall, the Board

noted that implementation was progressing too slowly.

Aircraft Icing - To reduce the dangers of flying in icing conditions, NTSB recommendations call for expedited

research and upgraded airplane design and certification standards. Status: Noting that the oldest icing

recommendations on the list date back eight years, the Board changed the classification of this issue from

"Open-Acceptable Response," but progressing slowly, to "Open-Unacceptable Response" based on the FAA's

lack of progress in this area.

Audio, Data and Video Recorders - Recommendations specify at least two hours of audio recording capability,

back-up power sources, and a requirement for video recorders in the cockpit to give investigators more

information to solve complex accidents. Status: The Board noted some progress by the FAA on a few

recommendations in this issue area but retained the overall classification of "Open-Unacceptable Response."

Child Restraints - Recommendation asks for a requirement that infants and toddlers under age two be safely

restrained on takeoff, landing and in turbulence. Status: Unacceptable response from FAA.

NTSB Most wanted safety improvements. Is FAA too slow to implement NTSB's recommendations? Are pax at risk?
I think the greatest misunderstanding is that people think the FAA can just tell everyone "Do this" and it has to be done. They can't. They have to follow rules like everyone else, and the most basic one is that in order to make something a requirement (take any of the NTSB recommendations as an example) the FAA has to make it a rule. That means it has to go thru the rulemaking process.


The rule has to be drafted and has to conform to all the laws regarding rulemaking (like determining the financial impact to the people and companies effected by the proposed rule, and that the rule doesn't contradict existing rules), and then the proposed rule has to be opened up for public comment for a specified period. Anyone can comment, and the FAA must consider each and every comment, which may mean having to re-draft the rule and put that out for comment as well. Only after all that can the rule be finally implemented.

In my humble opinion, the FAA is already understaffed and underfunded, with Congress wanting to reduce their funding every year, so each year careful consideration has to be made as to which are the most beneficial projects to put through with the funds available. Congress screams that things need fixed, but they won't give the FAA the funds to do it.

To give some examples, sure it would be great if aircraft had two-hour FDR's and CVR's with hundreds of extra data points beng recorded, but is the flying public willing to pay the increase in ticket prices across the board to have it done? The government isn't going to pay for it. The airlines have to generate revenue to do it, and that means YOU and I have to pay for it. Is the margin of safety that much greater with two-hours of recording that it is worth doing? Say that two-hour recorders were mandatory. First manufacturer's would have to design and buld them, get them certified to put on aircraft, then build them in large numbers, write the technical data to install and maintain them and get that data approved, etc, etc, etc. It all takes time and money.

Having child restraints for children under 2 years is a great idea, and is already mandatory in cars. In an airplane, you would have to purchase a ticket for your under 2 year old child so you can use the child's car seat (you don't have to currently, as they can sit on your lap). That's the cost of an extra ticket that many young families can't afford, but nothing is stopping you from doing it. In fact the FAA already recommends it and has approved child restraint systems for aircraft. They haven't made it mandatory because they believe it is a financial decision on the part of the passenger. Maybe that isn't the response that the NTSB was looking for, but the systems are already in place if people want to use them.


Safety is the main focus of the aviation industry. There simply isn't enough resources and money to do everything that everyone thinks should be done. Aviation fatal crashes are at an all time low. Perhaps that shows that the important recommendations are being addressed by the FAA and maybe the "nice to haves" will have to wait until Congress can be convinced by the public that the FAA should be better funded.

Just like your personal budget at home, isn't it?
Reply:this looks like homework to me, since all your other questions seem to all be about the same thing.

i would like to point out if someone, government or not, makes a rule which must be followed, this rule greatly affecting peoples life, like loosing their job, because its uneconmical for their employer to continue with these new rules, then that body is going to make themselves rather unpopular.

i would of said this was obvious.

just cause something would make life a little safer doesn't always make it a good idea.

otherwise, how about this rule, you cannot take off unless you can guarentee that there will be no faults however small, no terrorist on board, nothing that will cause any risk to anyone.

how many airlines would be flying, none!

so do you think that rule making body would be popular amongst the people?
Reply:Why do you keep pasting in long screeds, accompanied by rhetorical questions?
Reply:Ya know, you can make aviation really safe if everyone just sets the brakes and goes home. But be careful on the drive home. Wear a 5 point NASCAR style seatbelt and helmet.

Once you're inside your door, the NTSB is off the hook and you'll be some consumer product safety czar's worries. Life is full of risks that can't be regulated into oblivion. So get on with living and pay attention to what's going on.

our song

Which Medical Path To Go While In College?

Well, im in college right now, i want to get into the med field.

i just got my certification in cpr and first aid. which is great, but won't get me farther than a life-gaurding job.

my college offers a EMT-B training program, which i'm kinda leaning towards cause its the closest thing to what i want to do one day (emergency medicine)

but, my school offers co-op internships. one of the spots being down at the local hospitals....

well, what i'm wondering, is for someone like me, who doesn't really have any medical background. to be able to get a internship at the hospital, possibl in the e.r or the i.c.u???? is it even likely

reason i'm asking, is because they would both start at the same time....in the fall, so i could really only do 1 i think. without haveing my brain explode atleast from all the learning crap.

sO i really have a choice between the emt training/job. or a CHANCE to work get a internship, and then hopefully a job.......

idk, some outside thoughts would help


Which Medical Path To Go While In College?
First you need to decide at what level do you want to practice. EMT's are great and some do work in our ER. Resoponsibilities include taking vitals, assisting with physical movement of the patient, and phelobotomy(acquiring blood samples). You may want to further your education to increase your responsibilities(and pay!) to EMT-P(paramedic) or even RN! All are Great Fields! Good luck!

I have an interview with office depot need some pointers?

i have an interview coming up i have went to school for a year to become a medical assistant i graduated about 5 mths ago i never took my certification test i had already had a call center job availble and had just got my apt so i needed a job quick to pay bills i just stayed at that job until i got terminated last month for attendance so on my application i just listed my last two jobs and it looks as if i didnt work since last year which is fine b/c i was in school and also having transportation issues but i dont know what to tell the interviewer about the field i graduated in he's going to want to know why im not working in my field truth is i dont feel confident enough to work in it yet i went to a 1yr college and i am going back to school to be an RN but i want to maybe sometime next year get a medical assistant job i just need work right now what should i tell him about that?

I have an interview with office depot need some pointers?
Most companies unless they have a huge turnover and don't mind (like McDonald's, Burger King, supermarkets) will not want to hire someone that they will have to spend time to teach only to leave and have to retrain someone else.

You may mention that you are attending school part-time or taking time off from school to work for awhile, but if they're not especially desparate to hire, or if there are many other people out there vying for the same position, I would not mention school.

Low antibodies? what is wrong? serious answers please!?

i recently had to have a titter test done for a state certification, because my hepetitis shots were not done in the correct time. so with that, i get the results back saying i was non-reactive and could not be excluded from the virus hep a,b or c. today i went back to the dr's and he told me that my anti-bodies were very low, and he was unsure why, concidering i just had my last shot on june 4th. so now he does more blood test. checking my immune system and t and b cells, what does this mean? he didn't want to indicate anything to me he was unsure of but with the lovely world of the internet, now i'm freaking out. i feel healthy, i get migraines alot. i have had plurasis, does this mean lupus or some other disease i don't want or need. please share only serious thoughts.

Low antibodies? what is wrong? serious answers please!?

Thank you everyone who answered to young to be pregnant?

i just wanted to say thank you to everyone who took the time to answer my question about being too young to be pregnant. all of your answers were very helpful. i guess the only reason i am concerned about my age and being pregnant is b/c the way society is today. you have all given me the confidence to stand my ground if i am. it's too early to know if i am yet but i will try to keep you all posted.

i know some people mentioned that the only down fall was going to school. i went to school for 1 yr already and graduated for medical assistant, also passed my certification test.

Thank you everyone who answered to young to be pregnant?
i didnt help answer that question- but i think its sweet that your sending a thank you.

good luck in life!
Reply:I didn't answer your last question but....

I'm 20 and I would love to be a mother now. My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years and are planning on getting married next summer. We aren't trying for a baby right now because we are both in school. I have several friends that have babies or are pregnant right now so you would not be alone. If someone looks down on you then they aren't worth your time. If you and your fiance feel like you are ready to be parents then the best of luck! Its good to know I'm not the only 20 year old who's mature enough to want a family and not fall into one by accident.

flower pots

Which graduate degree should I choose? I want to be a school counselor/school psychologist?

I have always wanted to be a school counselor/guidance counselor of some sort. I want to help children with their problems, be someone that they can talk to and help them plan their future. Now I need help in finding out the right graduate degree to help me do that.

I have a B.A in psychology. I don't have any teaching credentials (not interested). I live in MI, but I may eventually move to TX or TN (family).

I plan on attending Wayne State University but don't know which grad program to go into:

#1- Masters in social work- Could I be a school social worker with this degree?.....I do know that there are other jobs that I could get with an MSW if I can't find one in the schools right away b/c the MSW is very versatile.

#2 Master of Arts in School and Community Psychology which leads to a master’s degree in school and community psychology and to two credentials in the State of MI: School Psychology Certification and Limited License to Practice Psychology in the community.

Which graduate degree should I choose? I want to be a school counselor/school psychologist?
Psychology is soooo fun!!! I am studying to become a School Psychologist. I live in Texas and will be tranferring to Texas Women's University next year because they have a really good program for School Psychology. (I am going for my MA degree). The lifestyle of a SP, from my perspective, is very fun. You work the same days teachers work, that is if you work in a public school. (You can teach in public schools, private schools, private practice, work in prisons, hospitals, you name it). That means summers off, weekends off, holidays off, 8 hour work day which honestly I believe is the best type of work schedule one can have. Being off during the summer gives you extra time to start of family of your own while not having to worry about being at work (and even though you are not working, you are still getting paid, plus, you get great benefits). I know a woman that is a SP and she works with elementary age kids. She tests them and sees what they are capable of, learning wise. School violence, recognized mental health value in schools now and of course, special education which means ASSESSMENTS..lots of them. During the next 5-15 years, there is going to be a big demand for SPs because the baby boomers are going to be retiring and that means it will be easy for us to find jobs. Because there will be a shortage, when can negoiate to get a higher paying salary. If you google the word "school psychologist" and "shortage" and you'll find a lot. Also, schools will always be around, so we will never come to a point where SPs aren't going to be needed (especially with all the terrible things happening in schools these days). So, if you want security, marketability, versatility and autonomy, School Psychology is where it's at! No joke.

Roda/Me Report It

Reply:Honestly I think the second option is better but I would suggest calling a school district to see what they require to be a school psychologist. If I am not mistaken I think that school counselor is different than the school psychologist. In regards to that I would say you need to decide what age group you would like to work with younger kids have both a counselor and a psychologist but few see either one. Hope this helps. Make sure that school districts outside of MI will accept the degree you decide on in case you do move. (Websites sometimes show requirements on them)
Reply:# 2 sounds much more applicable. And it is just as versitile.
Reply:I think either one will fit your desire to help the community. Just look at both degrees and see what classes seem more doable. You can also call each department and ask what options will you have later with the degree.
Reply:I personally would go with the Masters of Arts in School Psychology. If you are not interested in being a social worker, maybe getting that degree would be a waste. I mean I'm sure that the qualifications for the job simply ask for you to have a Masters (maybe not specific), but I do believe that it helps if your graduate degree is focused directly on your job. I hope I was helpful :-) (i'm in the same field)
Reply:You would be much better off with the MSW. You will have a much better chance of getting into a school and even work in programs that consult directly with the school. Also if you are moving to TX the MA in counseling from a school in MI may or may not be recognized. The MSW will be because of its national accreditation. DA

Camping this weekend!!!!~?

Ok, so my boyfriend and I are going camping this weekend. We are going alone to have a fun, yet peaceful weekend. I need ideas of stuff to do. What should we take with us?

We are going to Shawnee State Park in Ohio, there is stuff to do, but I'm afraid b/c it is Mem Day Weekend that it is going to be Crazzzzy packed by all the attractions and not peaceful.

We have been together for 5 years, and he JUST finished his firefighter certification so it is a fun weekend getaway!

Ideas please..... and please be appropriate....!~

Any games/activities for two.... can include drinking games!~

Camping this weekend!!!!~?
When I go with my friends and boyfriend, we like to bring board games like Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, etc. It's a nice when you're camping, because you're not on anyone else's schedule and you may even be able to finish a whole game of Monopoly! Plus think of the fun/dirty words you could come up with in Scrabble, if you were a little drunk! Have fun!

MSW combining passions?

Hi, I am considering pursuing an MSW b/c it is a verstile degree and i work for a univ that offers it. I am passionate about painting/art/global work and would like to find a way to integrate these into a career. for the past 7 years, I have worked in non-profit/higher education in fundraising development.

i love the field but, it has always been my dream to do global work and integrate art into practice...not sure of goals...maybe coordinate arts programs for refugees, at-risk urban students .... and teach down the line. maybeadmin, research, fundraising or policy for such an org. what route do you suggest?

also, since i want to integrate art into practice, do i need an art therapy certification?

what steps should i take first to get into the field? I will be volunteering for a local org. that brings volunteers with kids together to create art that focuses on environmental issues and fighting world poverty, terrorism, human rights, etc...

MSW combining passions?
The volunteering while you get the degree is a good way to go. Get as much volunteer experience with several different organizations as possible. That will let you explore the field in a non-risky way.

Which computer courses should I be taking?

I had previously taken a few programming courses at a college ... C++, HTML , VB to name a few. But I dropped out. This was a few years ago.

I want to go back now, however I'm still debating what I should really be taking given the range of IT areas available today.

Web designing looks interesting.... (see the link below), and the courses being offered at Seneca college ... is this a good choice, I'm making?


What about the new .NET technology? Should I be looking into that? and finally someone recommended I should look into an MCSE certification course, what do u think?

Need your advice guys. ... Thanks

Which computer courses should I be taking?
Definitely learn .NET. I'm not sure how much C++, HTML and VB you hung onto from the last time you took them in school, but whatever you remember from there will definitely help you out with .NET.

In my opinion I would wait on the MCSE. Not because I don't think it's good, (I think it's great), I just think it's easier to study for and take once you have some experience and begin to understand the framework.
Reply:Definately go after your A+ certificates, as well as the courses entailed with an MCSE, for example you could just get the first part of it which is your MCP (microsoft certified professional). Those should be very supportive within any computer industry job you are going for.

(sorry, in case you didn't know, your A+ is the industry standard for computer hardware knowledge.)
Reply:i hate .net because it is very simple to use and the environment supports most langs' pfft... yeah learn it it will do you a world of good...
Reply:Go for it

flower beds

R-12 refrigerant... do they even sell it anymore? Any good alternates?

I have a 1993 Pontiac Grand Am that requires R-12 refrigerant. My mechanic says that he can't recharge it there, and to look for stuff called AutoFrost. I read on the internet that you need some type of certification for it. But, he said I could find it at Walmart, or some type of store like that. Which is true? Do they even make R-12 available to the public anymore? Has anyone had this problem? I don't want to have to change my A/C system to the R-134, or whatever it is, that could be expensive... any suggestions? Thanks!

R-12 refrigerant... do they even sell it anymore? Any good alternates?
134a is 1/3 R12 but that is besides the point. Cars produced after 1994 are mostly 134A. \

Now, converting to 134a would be the best choice. the tech. will

install a universal oil and a label to indicate that it has been converted. The temp. difference is minimal on most cars. There should be no hard parts to change unless some thing is faulty.

some cars require a different cycling or high pressure cut off switch as not to damage the compressor with the 134a gas.

I do not recommend any other refrigerant substitutes as some of these contain Propane and other combustibles.

If the repair shop does it's job correctly, a 134A conversion should give you many years of comfy driving....
Reply:you cant get r-12 without a HVAC license anymore. And all cars made today use r-134a its safer to deal with, better for the air quality. Wal mart sells the conversion kit for the r-12 to 134a.
Reply:R-12 is illegal to use I believe. Something about emissions and greenhouse gasses. (by the way R134A is on it's way out. You heard it here first!)

R134A retrofit kits are like $20 at a parts store. Buy the damn thing and have your mechanic install it and charge the freon.

OR..... use "Polish A/C". That's where you roll the windows down and drive really fast!

(Before I get death threats in my e-mail, I'm part polish.)
Reply:R-12 was dicontinued for ozone reasons, 134 iis the best way to go and cheapest, unfortunately your system probably wont handle conversion because you probably already have leaks...expensive no matter how you look at it
Reply:Yes, they still sell R-12. It is very expensive, and you have to find someone who is lic. to do it. They make a conversion kit for your car, ask them to convert it over to 134a. You can goto any NAPA store and ask for it. It less costly than the R-12.


You can only buy R-12 if you have a lic. to buy it. A 5 gallon tank costs $300. Well, it was that much in 2003, I am unsure how much it costs now. Your better off converting it.

Reply:It might be R-22...but don't quote me on that. There are things you can buy at walmart or any real supply store....it looks like can of fix-a-flat. You locate the valve under your hood, connect the can then refill your refridgerant.


Reply:They sell a kit at K mart that you can change your old freon to the new stuff, it comes with everything, and it works, I used it myself, its about 30.00
Reply:R12 difficult to find at best, you might find a indidual with a few cans squirreled away but thats about it, best advice would be to do the conversion, its not that expensive if you have to do another repair to get you a/c going again, usually you have to change you accumulator/reciver dryer(same thing different terms) add some pag oil and screw on some adaperrs charge it and go. probly about 150-200 most shops , If you could find someone willing to part with the r12 they have left you would easily spend that much buying it. It really hasn't been availible to the public for a few years now.
Reply:Changing your A/C system to R-134A is not expensive you can buy the retro fit kit at most stores like wal-mart, etc. R-12 is dangerous for the environment which is why they do not sell it anymore.
Reply:i buy cases of it in mexico,, never tell them at the border,, i dont think r12 is a terrorist plot so its no big deal,, if you know someone in a border town give them a call,, you know the have autozones in mexico
Reply:R-12 is still available. It is not THAT expensive. It is about $25 bucks a can here. A cheaper alternative is to get a product called 'FREEZE 12'. It is a drop in replacement that is available at Champion Auto Stores here in the Omaha area. It is only $9.00/can and works well.

Find a different mechanic to work on this. Your mechanic probably COULD fix this easily but he probably does not have an R-12 Freon Recovery machine any longer.

I would NOT convert this to R-134a. It will not cool as well PLUS it is more likely to leak on R-134a than on R-12. The R-134a molecule is 1/3 the size of the R-12 molecule.

Ask a few mechanics in your area about fixing your leaks and recharging with FREEZE 12, HOTSHOT, or another Drop-in Replacement for your R-12. I am sure you will find someone willing to work on this. If you still have some R-12 in your system, have this Recovered and then put back in after the leaks are fixed. This will save some money on refrigerant, and they have to recover it anyway. Good Luck!
Reply:You may purchase R12 refrigerant in Mexico for about $1.00 per can ( 11 ounce can) Other options : Duracool makes a replacement you can purchase on-line and they offer next day shipping. No matter which way you choose to go, make sure you change the orffice tube, located in the refrigerant lines. They only cost about 2.00. Best two bucks you will spend.
Reply:R12 is illegal Freeze 12 is its replacement and you have to have a license to purchase it convert it to 134 so much better for your pocket and the environment a retrofit kit can be purchased at any parts store try Advanced Auto Parts they have the kit resonabally priced and will be willing to assit you and answer your questions
Reply:r-12 is no longer available to any one but certified mechanics for a/c.. it is so expensive now that it cheeper to have the system changed ovewr to 134... but if u check a/c repair shops u might find r 12....

Svchost is quite important ,have a look at it?

Process File: svchost.exe Process Name: Microsoft Service Host Process Safe 2


. Click Here to Run a Free Scan for svchost.exe Related Errors Description: svchost.exe is a system process belonging to the Microsoft Windows Operating System which handles processes executed from DLLs. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated. Author: Microsoft Corp. Part Of: Microsoft Windows Operating System


File Path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe File Size: n/a Memory Usage: 8.91 Mb File Version: n/a MD5: 8f078ae4ed187aaabc0a305146de6716 Parent Process: services.exe


Startup Method: Service Service Location: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\6to4;S... Service Description: Provides DDNS name registration and automatic IPv6 connectivity over an IPv4 network. If this service is stopped, other computers may not be able to reach it by name and the machine will only have IPv6 connectivity if it is connected to a native IPv6 network. If this service is disabled, any other services that explicitly depend on this service will fail to start.;Notifies selected users and computers of administrative alerts. If the service is stopped, programs that use administrative alerts will not receive them. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.;Provides software installation services such as Assign, Publish, and Remove.;Manages audio devices for Windows-based programs. If this service is stopped, audio devices and effects will not function properly. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.;Transfers data between clients and servers in the background. If BITS is disabled, features such as Windows Update will not work correctly.;Maintains an updated list of computers on the network and supplies this list to computers designated as browsers. If this service is stopped, this list will not be updated or maintained. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.;Provides three management services: Catalog Database Service, which confirms the signatures of Windows files; Protected Root Service, which adds and removes Trusted Root Certification Authority certificates from this computer; and Key Service, which helps enroll this computer for certificates. If this service is stopped, these management services will not function properly. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.;Provides launch functionality for DCOM services.;Manages network configuration by registering and updating IP addresses and DNS names.;Detects and monitors new hard disk drives and sends disk volume information to Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service for configuration. If this service is stopped, dynamic disk status and configuration information may become out of date. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.;Resolves and caches Domain Name System (DNS) names for this computer. If this service is stopped, this computer will not be able to resolve DNS names and locate Active Directory domain controllers. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.;Allows error reporting for services and applictions running in non-standard environments.;Supports System Event Notification Service (SENS), which provides automatic distribution of events to subscribing Component Object Model (COM) components. If the service is stopped, SENS will close and will not be able to provide logon and logoff notifications. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.;Provides management for applications that require assistance in a multiple user environment.;Enables Help and Support Center to run on this computer. If this service is stopped, Help and Support Center will be unavailable. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.;Enables generic input access to Human Interface Devices (HID), which activates and maintains the use of predefined hot buttons on keyboards, remote controls, and other multimedia devices. If this service is stopped, hot buttons controlled by this service will no longer function. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.;This service implements the secure hypertext transfer protocol (HTTPS) for the HTTP service, using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL). If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.;Supports file, print, and named-pipe sharing over the network for this computer. If this service is stopped, these functions will be unavailable. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.;Creates and maintains client network connections to remote servers. If this service is stopped, these connections will be unavailable. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.;Enables support for NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) service and NetBIOS name resolution.;Transmits net send and Alerter service messages between clients and servers. This service is not related to Windows Messenger. If this service is stopped, Alerter messages will not be transmitted. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.;Manages objects in the Network and Dial-Up Connections folder, in which you can view both local area network and remote connections.;Collects and stores network configuration and location information, and notifies applications when this information changes.;Creates a connection to a remote network whenever a program references a remote DNS or NetBIOS name or address.;Creates a network connection.;Offers routing services to businesses in local area and wide area network environments.;Provides the endpoint mapper and other miscellaneous RPC services.;Enables a user to configure and schedule automated tasks on this computer. If this service is stopped, these tasks will not be run at their scheduled times. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.;Enables starting processes under alternate credentials. If this service is stopped, this type of logon access will be unavailable. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.;Tracks system events such as Windows logon, network, and power events. Notifies COM+ Event System subscribers of these events.;Provides network address translation, addressing, name resolution and/or intrusion prevention services for a home or small office network.;Provides notifications for AutoPlay hardware events.;Performs system restore functions. To stop service, turn off System Restore from the System Restore tab in My Computer-%26gt;Properties;Enables discovery of UPnP devices on your home network.;Provides image acquisition services for scanners and cameras.;Provides Telephony API (TAPI) support for programs that control telephony devices and IP based voice connections on the local computer and, through the LAN, on servers that are also running the service.;Allows multiple users to be connected interactively to a machine as well as the display of desktops and applications to remote computers. The underpinning of Remote Desktop (including RD for Administrators), Fast User Switching, Remote Assistance, and Terminal Server.;Provides user experience theme management.;Maintains links between NTFS files within a computer or across computers in a network domain.;Provides support to host Universal Plug and Play devices.;Maintains date and time synchronization on all clients and servers in the network. If this service is stopped, date and time synchronization will be unavailable. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start. ;Enables Windows-based programs to create, access, and modify Internet-based files. If this service is stopped, these functions will not be available. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.;Provides a common interface and object model to access management information about operating system, devices, applications and services. If this service is stopped, most Windows-based software will not function properly. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.;Retrieves the serial number of any portable media player connected to this computer. If this service is stopped, protected content might not be down loaded to the device.;Monitors system security settings and configurations.;Enables the download and installation of Windows updates. If this service is disabled, this computer will not be able to use the Automatic Updates feature or the Windows Update Web site.;Provides automatic configuration for the 802.11 adapters;Manages XML configuration files on a domain basis for automatic network provisioning.


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Svchost is quite important ,have a look at it?
that's amazing , you answered my question before I asked it. Are you a psychic.
Reply:Welcome to XP. :)
Reply:That's nice. Did you have a question?
Reply:I dont fully understand your question. If you are wondering what svchost is, its a Windows Service that handles Automatic updates, Sound card, Wireless Internet, and other esstenial Windows Services. Do not stop or end this process.

In other cases, svchost can be mimicked and be a virus (probably not in this case). Make sure you have a virus scan, as some people try to make their file svchost.exe so that it looks like a windows service.

Going camping this weekend!!~.......?

Ok, so my boyfriend and I are going camping this weekend. We are going alone to have a fun, yet peaceful weekend. I need ideas of stuff to do. What should we take with us?

We are going to Shawnee State Park in Ohio, there is stuff to do, but I'm afraid b/c it is Mem Day Weekend that it is going to be Crazzzzy packed by all the attractions and not peaceful.

We have been together for 5 years, and he JUST finished his firefighter certification so it is a fun weekend getaway!

Ideas please..... and please be appropriate....!~

Going camping this weekend!!~.......?
Sounds fun! My husband and I long ago (when we were first dating went on several fun camping trips together and then many more years after wards) Some of the fun things we did together were hiking up creeks, you can rest in the water, toss rocks in, search for pretty rocks and silly, simple things like this.. OK it does sound silly but it was very relaxing and the one on one time doing something that simple brought us closer and gave us quality one on one time! We also hiked to high secluded areas that we could sit at and see below us, watch clouds and talk about silly things.. We gathered campfire wood, played tag on the trails and hide and seek.. hiding in the blankets in the tent when it was dark and listening to the night sounds, trying to figure out what the sounds were and making up scary stories to tell each other about (camping trips, zombies, wild animals etc.) Lots of very simple and silly things for just two! The kinds of silly things you did at slumber parties when you were a teenager is the best things to do with your partner when it is just you two.. Worked for us and we can look back on how silly it was, and we still laugh at those things.. Good luck and have fun!
Reply:I don't care how rough the terrain is take the mountain bikes with you if you have them if not buy them take a nice quite ride together it will keep you both in shape and get you away from every one else. don't forget to bring along bug candles we used to live in Bucyrus Ohio now in Florida bugs are every where. keeps the quite time around the fire more comfortable. if power is available a fan work wonders at a camp site. luck
Reply:Packing list: Swimsuit, cover up, sandals, rafts/ innertubes, sunsreen, aloe vera gel for sunburn, aspirin, bug spray, cortizone creme incase of insect bites or poison ivy, bandaids, folding lawn chairs, sleeping bag, tent, flashlights, batteries, comfy clothes, shorts and tshirts, digital camera, cell phone, map, journal to write down funny / interesting things you want to remember, deck of cards, other game / sports balls, ipod or cd player and cd's, gym shoes or shoes for hiking, ball cap, sunglasses, first aid kit, bottled water, cooler with food for sandwiches, and soda's, matches, hot dogs, marshmallows, coat hangers (for toasting hotdogs and marshmallows, fanny pack and or backpack to pack just a few things for a nice hike / picnic, have fun!
Reply:Try Ohio Power near Nelsonville. You have a better chance of being alone maybe. All Ohio parks are going to be packed to the hilt. Too bad you don't know anyone with a farm out in the country. I would rather hear cow farts than junior playing his Ipod full blast. Go on a weekday to get away from the crowds. Check out Ohio Power on the AEP website, its neat!

Legal help regarding financial aid?

I have a BBA in MIS. 2 years after I graduated I decided to get a certification in Web Development @ the local Community College (CC). I completed the FAFSA %26amp; indicated I already had a degree.

I was awarded financial aid. A year later I applied 4 work study. I mentioned the fact that I used to work in the Business Office at the university I graduated from. A financial aid counselor for the CC then told me that I wasn't eligible for work study because I already had a degree and I shouldn't have received financial aid. She then told me I had to pay back the money to the CC.

I didn't have money at the time. I withdrew from classes and I didn't pay them. Now 6 years later I receive a letter from an attorney b/c the CC referred my acct to them.

I need to know if I'm liable. I didn't lie on my application...the CC made a mistake that I wasn't aware of. Should I get a lawyer?

Someone, please help.

Legal help regarding financial aid?
Yes, you are liable. Without getting into to much legal jargon, you cannot receive a benefit you are not eligible for. However, you definitely want to contact an attorney to assist you in negotiating a settlement in your favor.

wedding flowers

Choose one answer?

____ Certification requires that a person meet specific education and experience requirements, agree to follow the PMP Code of Ethics, and pass the PMP exam.


b. PMI


d. ACM

Choose one answer?
This is a matter where you need to do your own homework.

Those are four specific ethical codes, from four different organizations. Anyone not in the software/electronics industry isn't even going to recognize most of the acronyms, nor is anyone likely to spend the time reading every one of those ethical codes to find the answer for you.

Besides, if you know what the acronyms stand for (which is part of the assignment), the answer is a no-brainer. It's like asking in what state the Michigan Supreme Court is going to be located, Michigan or Arizona.

Please conform me?


This is narendra-B.Tech(E.C.E)

i just want to know about haya soft becouse i got the offer letter from Haya soft.

And told that its 3 months training on self of Rs.45,000/-.

after the completion of training salary is Rs.12,000/- per month

If You dont Mind please conform me its best or not.

I think the company does not have ISO certification.

Please conform me?
if that company doesn't hav an ISO certification..u better not go to it....try a gud one...

u r 4m which college??

paid survey

Do I need a computer science degree?

I want to get a good job in information technology. I already have a liberal arts bachelor's degree and an A.A. degree. I also have A+ certification, and am confident that if I study for the other tests like Network+ and MCSE that I can pass them. I currently have a tech position fixing computers so that I can build up my resume, but it is not what I would consider a well-paying job, especially when you compare it to other tech jobs. Do I need to go back to school to get a C.S. degree so that I can get a "real" job in the tech industry?

Do I need a computer science degree?
regrettable yes, there are too many certified people out there competing for the same job,many with no experience. Experience is good,which you have, the C.S. degree will help

in the finial decision of a manager. Remember some certs expire, degrees do not.
Reply:Is your long-term career goal to work with computers (hardware and software)? Computer Science is a difficult and time consuming major. Additionally, it concentratrates on programming, not computer repair. You may get some networking but I'd have to say that you should get your A+ and Network+, then look for a job that will get you experience. That job will most likely be willing to pay for the rest of your certs.
Reply:You might be able to find a "real" tech job with the degrees and experience you have and the certifications you are proposing to get, but having a C.S. degree would be likely to open a lot more opportunities to you.
Reply:certs aren't as flashy as they were when they first came out.

Most hiring managers nowadays usually look at experience, degree, certs in that order.

If you are planning to stay in the infrastructure side of IT, it looks like you actually have the existing experience to break thru.... you can continue learning stuff and maybe go for a masters in information technology instead.

If you're planning to go to systems/software, it would help a lot to get a C.S. degree.
Reply:the industry looks for 2 things. If you new in the field, they look for your degree. If you have been in the field for many years, they look for your experiences. Depends on your situation, do you have a lot of related experiences? If you do, you may skip your CS degree. Otherwise, get one.
Reply:possibly. not necessarily though. get your resume together and see. trial %26amp; error baby

I love web developement/coding. What major is for me?

I LOVE making websites and coding them. I am currently using open source CMS programs like Drupal and Joomla! for the websites. I am fluent in XHTML/CSS and am familiar with JAVA, PHP/MYSQL, and a few other web technologies.

I LOVE coding this stuff and want to learn more in regards to ASP and PHP/MYSQL programming. I know a major in Computer Science deals a lot with coding in C#, Java, etc., but I am more specifically interested in AJAX, PHP/MYSQL and ASP.

What major would help me hone my skills as a web developer even more, or should I just take classes/certification programs outside of school?


I love web developement/coding. What major is for me?
Comp Sci! it's broad based education that gets you ready for the next revolution in computers!

You're right that it will mainly focus on C++ (not C#, that's microsoft specific stuff) and Java, but you need the basics to understand how to use ajax, mysql, and other languages like JavaScript, Perl, PHP, ASP. Ruby, Python, Haskell,

In the not too distant future, all currently used languages will be regarded as dead languages.

So, if you want a job today, tech classes or cert programs may be enough... if you want a career that will keep growing, you want a good university education in Computer Science.
Reply:web design, programmer.
Reply:Depends on the school you attend. My university called it Information Systems (IS). Others will call it Information Technology, computer science, Mgmt. Information Systems, etc. An alternate route would be to major in Graphic Design and minor in IS/IT so you could focus on web layout and design and still get the coding background you need.