Monday, July 27, 2009

How do I prove my service dog is legit?

I'm epileptic. We are moving to FL for my husband to go to college, we weren't going to take my seizure dog b/c of his breed (german rot) and they don't normally allow that breed anywhere (which is BS). He's not certified (the ADA requires NO certification on service dogs). I read that its illegal to even ASK for certification papers on a service dog. I've started having seizures again the past couple weeks and we've decided to take him.

The place we're moving to (an RV park) wants PROOF he's a service dog or something from my doctor saying that I need him. I don't want to do any of this. Is there any other way to prove he's a legit service dog or a website anyone knows of that could tell me more? Thnx in advance :)

How do I prove my service dog is legit?
Print out a copy of the ADA regulations (size it so that it is 1/3 page wide and double sided)... laminate it... hand it to the RV Park manager.

Email me for more suggestions.
Reply:Uhh.. I found two links from the same site:
Reply:The only solution I can see would be to get the dog certified. If the landlord (or state/county) does not allow that breed, you can't expect them to make exceptions for your dog if you can't prove that he is a service dog. Maybe contact the local authorities where you are moving, and see if they can help you out at all.
Reply:I would think that the person or establishment you got him from would have some kind of document that would suffice. I would start there, even if they don't have the paperwork they should be able to put you in touch with whoever can provide you with it. Your dog was trained for the work he does and therefore he is on record somewhere.
Reply:I have a 6 yr old standard Poodle that has been certified as a service dog, and she had to be trained to go to hospitals and nursing homes before she could be certified. And No I don't think it is illegal to ask for paperwork, ppl want to know this dog is a working dog and your word alone isn't going to do it. I am sorry but it is better to have dog certified then not have him/her with you.
Reply:I think the RV park is well within its rights to ask for proof that you have a medical condition that requires a service dog. I don't understand why this poses a problem - just a simple letter from the doc confirming you have epilepsy and this was recommended.

You could probably accomplish this in a 3 minute call to his admin assistant and then just pick it up from the office.

If you refuse do this, I too, wonder what's really going on. RV parks have to be very stringent about pets.
Reply:Why don't you want to want to ask you doctor?

Please don't leave your dog behind, he obviously means a great deal to you and is more than a pet, he is your lifeline.

Please just ask your doctor, if you have been provided with a service dog then you obviously need him so i don't see why the relevant people wouldn't do all they can to make sure he is accepted in your new state.
Reply:stop being so lazy, get the proof , do the work! we all have to do things that we don't want to do. but we do them anyway.
Reply:You either can do all the work and have a service dog...or not. Just to be safe, I would do the work.
Reply:to be a service dog, the dog needs to past a qualifying test. The ADA does not have a test, it just needs the owner to check a box that says "my pet passes" and then order a little vest for $250 which in my opinion is completely BS. I can check that for my dogs too and pay the money so they can be with me everywhere. If your dog is indeed a service dog and ADA is recognized then they should help you provide proof to these people. If not I say look for a more legitimate service dog place that would be of assistance to you.

Furthermore you said "you don't want to do any of this" that proves laziness on your part, if i really need a dog on my side i will jump over hoops to have him be by my side and to find good solid proof, not some easy way out.

Sounds like you're just bitter that someone is asking about whether your dog is a service dog and it concerns your condition, if it's that important to you then suck it up and get the proof, this is a RV park, they may not have the right to ask about your medical condition specifically but they should have at least proof that your dog is indeed a service dog to protect the ppl within that RV park. It is the duty of that person to keep everything in order - if everyone in that park claims that they have a service dog, things will get out of hand, do the guy a favor and do yourself a favor and get the paper work so things can get taken care of and settled quickly.
Reply:This doesn't strike me as legit. Why would you not want to get certification from your doctor? No, it is not illegal to ask for certification papers for a legitimate service animal.
Reply:If it is truly illegal to ask for certification papers for a service dog, find a copy of the law and send it to the RV park. Here is a link to an ADA FAQ about service animals - - that might do for the purpose. It does not mention RV parks, but it does mention hotels. I hope that helps.
Reply:I googled service dog certification and found several websites.

I would atleast have the dog wear the service dog harness with the patch that states he is a service dog. (I've seen these many times and think they are an excellent idea).

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