Monday, July 27, 2009

Do you think that the Presidential Election votes will be counted or Stolen?

After reading what happened in N.H. and the actual--hand-count----read below and than what say you?

New Hampshire hand count of votes is VERY different from that of the Lie Boldly machines

Hand Count Shows 15% For Ron Paul

By zooamerica | January 9, 2008

This would have placed Dr. Paul in 3rd place, just as the polls were showing before the primary…

The computer counted votes are the problem.

Not a single hand count township showed less than 10%

Supposedly, Ron Paul got 8% - this does not make sense.

They have paper ballots but the optical scan machines are done by, you

guessed it, Diebold. Because of bad press in the past their name is now


richmond is hand count 34% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

lyman is hand count 28.7% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

Orange is hand count 25% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

Harts location is hand count 25% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

wentworth is hand count 24% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

goshen is hand count 17.68% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

marlow is hand count 16.6% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

cornish is hand count 14.8% for dr. Paul…100% reporting

Rumney is hand count 14.5% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

croydon is hand count 14 % for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

dorchester is hand count 13.89% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

effingham is hand count 13% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

albany is hand count 12.9% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

antrim is hand count 12% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

south hampton is hand count 12% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

sullivan is hand count 12.61% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

troy is hand count 12.21% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

mason is hand count 11.88% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

newport is hand count 11.45% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

charlstown is hand count 11.3% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

Allenstown is hand count 11.16% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

bristol is hand count 11% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

warren is hand count 11% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

Strafford is hand count 11% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

washington is hand count 11.02% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

lancaster is hand count 10.9% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

springfield is hand count 10.6% for Dr.Paul…100% reporting

wilton is hand count 10.37% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

Northfield is hand count 10.3% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

mont vernon is hand count 10.25% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

Fraud in New Hampshire? S.C. to use voting machines banned in other states,

says Election Commission spokesman Chris Whitmire.

Chris Whitmire may be reached at

803 734-9060 CWhitmire@...

If contact with Chris Whitmire results in no action, Gov. Mark Sandford may be contacted at 803 734-2100 mark@...

"Those Who Cast the Votes Decide Nothing-

Those who Count the Votes decide everything"

Joseph Stalin

Electronic voting machines in Florida showed one candidate with negative votes.

Fraud in the central tabulator in New Hampshire?

This youtube shows the votes, when they were first released, as a town by town tabulation. This early release shows Ron Paul won.


If you visit this site now, you will find that the results have been flipped to match the central tabulator:

Ron Paul - Now The Boston Globe Changed Their Story

Here is actual recorded testimony, given under oath,

by Clinton Curtis who admits that he wrote the program for vote fraud:

Rigged USA Elections Exposed

Nothing is an honest count unless it is in full view of the people. NO electronic vote counting machine does that.

Associated Press

Monday, January 7, 2008

GREENVILLE — South Carolina election officials say they still plan to use touch-screen voting machines despite the fact that other states have banned the use of similar systems made by the same company.

Last month, top election officials in Ohio and Colorado declared that Election Systems and Software's iVotronic is unfit for elections.

The ban was prompted by a study done for the state of Ohio in which researchers found electronic voting systems could be corrupted with magnets or handheld electronic devices such as Palm Treos.

"We've reviewed the report and we remain confident in the security and accuracy of South Carolina's voting system," state Election Commission spokesman Chris Whitmire said.

But the South Carolina League of Women Voters has renewed its call for the state to record votes on paper as well as electronically to allow for accuracy checks, though there have been no documented cases of actual election tampering.

"It's very difficult to get evidence that somebody tampered with the vote if you have no way of knowing what the vote was before they tampered," said Eleanor Hare, a computer scientist who participated in a study of the machines by the South Carolina League of Women Voters.

The machines have been used statewide since 2006.

The Ohio study found the machines "lack the fundamental technical controls necessary to guarantee a trustworthy election under operational conditions."

"Exploitable vulnerabilities allow even persons with limited access — voters and precinct poll workers — to compromise voting machines and precinct results, and, in some cases, to inject and spread software viruses into the central election management system," the report says.

However, the company that makes the machines says on its Web site that it disagrees with the Ohio report's technical findings.

"All of our voting systems have been thoroughly tested and examined under realistic election conditions before those systems are ever made available to states for additional testing and consideration," the company's statement says. "The testing and certification processes already in place are extremely rigorous, ensuring that voting systems meet well-established standards for performance under realistic election conditions."


Can You Count on Voting Machines?


Voter Fraud Against Paul Confirmed in Sutton, N.H.

By admin | January 8, 2008

Kurt Nimmo

Truth News

January 8, 2008

According to a post this evening on the Ron Paul Forums, vote fraud occurred in Sutton, New Hampshire:

Sutton with 100% reporting reported 0 votes for paul but poster in Sutton posted:

My mom, aunt, and dad all voted for RP today in my hometown, My mom and aunt both work passing out ballots, and checking them off. I just looked at the politico map and it says their town has ZERO votes for Ron. Now i know that there isn’t corruption on voting in that little town, so where they reported it must be. What do I do, anyone know???

Originally Posted by sstjean View Post

This was posted to ronpaul-801 tonight: “This town numbers are wrong wrong wrong on this map. I am from Sutton originally and my parents and one aunt all voted for Ron Paul today and Sutton says 0. So this is wrong. This is a town that had 20 people counting the ballots and I have no reason to believe that they cheated. Small town and I was born and raised there. The real numbers will come in by morning. The electronic machines in the big towns are the ones we have to worry about.”

Earlier in the day, Brad Blog reported other suspicious behavior:

Our Spidey-sense started tingling before going to bed last night and hearing reports, on MSNBC, that there were 17 paper ballots cast in Dixville Notch, NH’s midnight, first-in-the-country voting. The report said that there were only 16 registered voters in the tiny voting precinct, yet 17 votes had been cast — suggesting that somehow, paper ballot “voter fraud” skullduggery was afoot.

Brad, however, believes the story is easily debunked:

Given that one of those reports seems to have begun on The DRUDGE REPORT earlier today, we’re not particularly surprised that the MSM kept repeating the easily-debunked stories running all day.

That, even while there are reasons to be concerned about how the paper ballots used in the New Hampshire Primary will actually be counted by the hackable Diebold optical-scan systems used in the state, as controlled and programmed by an outrageously bad private contractor there.

Of course, there is plenty of room for hank-panky, as Michael Collins notes:

81% of New Hampshire ballots are counted in secret by a private corporation named Diebold Election Systems (now known as “Premier”). The elections run on these machines are programmed by one company, LHS Associates, based in Methuen, MA. We know nothing about the people programming these machines, and we know even less about LHS Associates. We know even less about the secret vote counting software used to tabulate 81% of our ballots. People like to say “but we use paper ballots! They can always be counted by hand!”

But they’re not. They’re counted by Diebold. Only a candidate can request a hand recount, and most never do so. And a rigged election can easily become a rigged recount, as we learned in Ohio 2004, where two election officials were convicted of rigging their recount….

In short, the stage was set by Diebold and Republican operatives to rig yet another election, as the above first-hand account seems to indicate.


If any of these Urls do not open, use copy and paste into the address bar.


hacking democracy”

Hacking Democracy 1 of 9

Hacking Democracy 2 of 9

Hacking Democracy 3 of 9

Hacking Democracy 4 of 9

Hacking Democracy 5 of 9

Hacking Democracy 6 of 9

Hacking Democracy 7 of 9

Hacking Democracy 8 of 9

Hacking Democracy 9 of 9

Diebold Demands HBO Cancel Film Hacking Democracy (Alex Jones report)

Anyone can be Hacking Democracy in Florida Part 1

Anyone can be Hacking Democracy in Florida Part 2

HBO's Hacking Democracy Promo

Hacking Democracy

Got Vote?

changing the ROMs of a Nedap e-voting computer in 60 seconds

Ron Paul Votes Not Counted In New Hampshire District

New Hampshire District Admits Ron Paul Votes Not Counted

Sutton township reported Congressman had zero votes, actual number was 31

Where Paper Prevailed, Different Results

99 Ways to Steal Elections: The Story of John Fund and Ron Paul http://howtheneoconsstolefreedom.blogspo...


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Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:38 am

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New Hampshire hand count of votes is VERY different from that of the

New Hampshire hand count of votes is VERY different from that of the Lie Boldly machines Hand Count Shows 15% For Ron Paul John Perna


8:38 am

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Do you think that the Presidential Election votes will be counted or Stolen?
Many strange things have been happening already in the 2008 election process, including an unprecedented polling divergence in the NH Primary. Election Integrity ( is actively analyzing and investigating results. We share and discuss our findings at

We are also in the process of setting up a mirror version here at yahoo. Please let me know if you would like to help.

Thanks, Steve


Steven F. Freeman * University of Pennsylvania * (215) 898-6967 *


Was the 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? Exit Polls, Election Fraud, and the Official Count by Steven F. Freeman and Joel Bleifuss (Seven Stories Press). Preview at

Reply:Does it matter what I think? You have to trust the "checks and balances" of the vote casting and counting. And please, if you don't like my answer, keep it to yourself, or I may cry.....
Reply:Bush stole 2 elections. And since the Clintons and Bush are close friends, there's no reason to believe Hillary won't steal this election--with Kerry's help!
Reply:Stolen.The eye above have already named the new president.all that goes on is just one big movie
Reply:Do you really believe Ron Paul fan sites?
Reply:Stolen definatly that's how Bush won.
Reply:It depends. You're referring to the primaries, but I'll address the actual November 2008 Presidential election separately: If a Democrat is named the winner, the votes will have been counted. If a Republican is named the winner, the votes will have been stolen.

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