Monday, July 27, 2009

Help with questions in my Social Work class please :]?

1. Which of the following is/are true?

a) Aftrican Americans often show a pattern of greater eye contact with listening than when speaking.

b) First Nations clients often respoond indirectly to questions.

c) Asians and Native Americans view direct eye contact by children as respectful.

d) When japanese nod their heads in conversation, it signifies agreement in the topic of conversation.

2. All if the following are true except:

a) First Nations clients may manifest a more indirect communication style than North Americans.

b) In Japan, smiling may indicate discomfort or nervousness

c) Japanese people may nod their heads simply to indicate they are paying close attention, not necessarily that they agree.

d) People from the Middle East prefer a greater conversational distance than do North Americans.

3. All Canadian provinces require some form of licensure or certification for BSW's.

true or false?

Thanks so much!! :]

Help with questions in my Social Work class please :]?
None are TRUE for the first two. These generalizations are generally not very helpful as the perpetrate the myth that culture is monolithic. I would tell your teacher this.

According to Wikipedia the answer to 3 is false.

Reply:1) b...2) c...3) canada-is-a-skidmark-on-the-underpants-o...
Reply:i dont know but interesting

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